Countering Hate Speech

Join us as we co-create the URI Campaign to End Violence!

Every day, we have the opportunity

- and responsibility -

to stop the spread of Hate Speech. 


URI is committed to ending religiously motivated violence. Connected to this is our strong desire to interrupt and stop the spread of hate speech, which is often a precursor to violence.

Hate speech is hurtful, promotes intolerance, and often incites violence. The devastating effect of hatred is sadly nothing new. However, its scale and impact are now amplified by new communications technologies. Hate speech – including online – has become one of the most common ways of spreading divisive rhetoric on a global scale, threatening peace within communities around the world.

URI encourages its partners to become actively involved in efforts to interrupt and stop the spread of hate speech in whatever ways make the most sense for them. 

Together we can make a difference!


We have the power to detect, interrupt, and prevent hate speech
both on and offline.

The images and language below can be downloaded to develop a countering hate speech or violence prevention campaign. Please use the hashtag #wepreventviolence.

Here are the steps we can take to make a difference

Countering Hate Speech Resources

Hate speech
Countering Hate Speech Presentation - accompanies the video below

The Devastating Impact of Hate Speech: Say No to Poisonous Words - Building Blocks for Peace Foundation, Africa

No Hate No Violence - Youth for Peace CC, Bosnia and Herzegovina

How to Counter Hate Speech effectively? - ALTerHate project - URI Europe CCs - Youth for Peace (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Udhetim i Lire (Albania) and Sombor Educational Center (Serbia)

Interfaith Dialogue as an Alternative to Hate Speech -  Youth for Peace (Bosnia and Herzegovina), KAICIID, and URI Europe

We All Belong: Interfaith Communities United Against Hate - Bay Area Interfaith Council

Strategies for Interrupting Hate Speech Online - Youth Cafe

How to address online #HateSpeech with a human rights-based approach? YouTube
What is Hate Speech? Padlet activity
Campaign Toolkit by Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)
Addressing hate speech through education: a guide for policy-makers by UNESCO
#NoToHate Fact Sheet by the United Nations 
U.N. Office of Genocide Prevention Information and Resources about Hate Speech
Learn More about Religiously Motivated Violence and the URI Efforts
Steps to Ending Religiously Motivated Violence