Bhikkhu Vasu Bandhu


2024-2028 Global Council Trustee for North America

Bhikkhu Vasu Bandhu is a Buddhist Monk at the Dhammapada Sangha; serving as Interfaith Manager for the Arizona Faith Network; representing North America on the International Youth Committee of Religions for Peace; as Co-Chair on the Faith for Earth Youth Council of the United Nations Environment Programme; as a Global Council Trustee from North America for the United Religions Initiative; and on the Global Youth Network of the Charter for Compassion. He has served the interfaith movement since age 18, collaborating with diverse interfaith organizations including the Parliament of the World's Religions. He is 29 years old; his studies are in Political Science and Social Projects from UnADM; 4 years ago, he migrated from his country of origin, Mexico, to the United States of America to live with his husband, who is Muslim.