Grassroots Interfaith: Looking Back, Looking Forward
11:00am PDT | 2:00pm EDT |
6:00pm GMT
This workshop, moderated by Paul Chaffee, is an unabashed tribute to the interfaith movement at the local level as well as an opportunity to identify important challenges ahead through the eyes of four seasoned activists: Aziza Hassan, Heng Sure, Perri ‘P.K.’ McCary, and Ruth Broyde Sharone. Each of them has been deeply involved with interfaith work for more than 30 years. The workshop begins by briefly surveying how interfaith culture has evolved over the past quarter-century. The balance of time focuses on looking forward to how the global interfaith community, starting at the grassroots, can help heal a troubled world. Take the journey with us!
Sponsored by: URI, The Interfaith Observer, and Religions for Peace at the Parliament of the World's Religions.