- URI-Sierra Leone
In Brief
URI-Sierra Leone, an interfaith mediation team is a collection of seven members from the Christian, Islam, Judaism, Baha’i, Buddhism, Hinduism and Janism faiths in Sierra Leone .URI-Sierra Leone is an outgrowth of URI worldwide. It challenges young people, men and women everywhere to:
• Engage in the resolution of religious motivated violence with a particular focus on disadvantaged communities in Sierra Leone.
• Build networks of reconciliation and friendship across religious and social divides.
URI - Sierra Leone was borne out of the desire of a driven team of young men and women who resolved to contribute to the post war reconstruction process in Sierra Leone starting by acknowledging their roles and responsibilities to build bridges across religious and social divides thereby sustaining our hard won peace in Sierra Leone.
Our activities include:
- Creating a transformative space for interpersonal, interethnic and inter religious dialogues based on the sharing of personal experience and information in a variety of localized community meetings, social gatherings.
- Participants-led workshops for moral and spiritual strengthening to explore the dynamics of a change of heart.
- Creating and mobilizing networks for action that brings people together in community peace building activities.
- Articles
- Community radio discussion programmes
We employ an informal interactive approach going deep into communities leading to personal change. As representatives of different faiths and traditions, we commit ourselves to identify issues in the community with a potential for conflict and then resolve to take common action.

For more information, contact: Franklyn Koroma, [email protected]