Manila to Celebrate Earth Dance - A Global Peace Festival

13 September 2010

Dear friends in the URI,

I am very pleased to announce that I am co-organizing EarthDance Manila happening this Sept 18-19.

Earthdance is an annual Global Festival for Peace and Unity celebrated in the Peace month of September.  Started in 1996 as a vision to unite as one global community with peace and humanitarian aims through the universal platform of musicartculture and dance, Earthdance has since grown to become the largest synchronized dance event in the world happening simultaneously in over 300+ locations in over 80 countries worldwide.

The highlight of the EarthDance event is a simultaneous link up when thousands of people in every event across the world participate in a synchronized PRAYER FOR PEACE at 23:00 UTC (7 am Manila Time), a profound and powerful moment that unifies our intentions through collective consciousness for world peace and healing.

In line with this year's EarthDance theme Embracing All Traditions, we are bringing together different faith groups and ritualists to do a series of rituals, prayers, and ceremonies to heal the Earth. This is very exciting for me as this is the first time we are bringing together as many prayer leaders and ritualists in one event.

Even if you are not in Manila, you can still participate in this global peace festival. Locate an EarthDance event near you by logging on to