Building the bridges

11 October 2011

The South Fraser Unitarian Congregation (SFUC) has planned a series of talks of various faith leaders to ensure that members of its congregation are provided accurate information about other’s tradition, belief system and culture. The mission of SFUC is: ‘To nurture spiritual and intellectual curiosity in the community. We encourage reasoned action and responsibility for a more just and compassionate world’. This series of talks will certainly create positive understanding and respect for the religious and cultural diversity. This program is engineered in such a way where whole family is involved.

David Dally, the young interfaith activist and member of Unitarian Church welcomed the guests. The Church choir sang a song. David introduced Acharya Dwivedi of the Global Clergy Association CC as a first speaker of a series of interfaith service. Dwivedi presented Hinduism in SFUC on 2nd October at Newton Seniors’ Centre in Surrey. He narrated the ideal story of friendship of Sudama and Krishna to children and sang a simple song in which children participated.

Kanti Dwivedi and Suman Sharma recited a devotional song with English translation. Dwivedi explained the core value system of Hinduism-respect for all, non-violence, universal brotherhood, love, justice and service for all.