Celebrate International Day of Rural Women October 15

14 October 2011

Celebrate International Day of Rural Women October 15


United Religions Initiative Pakistan Women Wing is celebrating the International Day of Rural Women as per program details below. Your invitation is loaded on www.uripakistan.org website: Please join with us in spirit and prayers.

1. Introduction and Welcome - Fr James Channan OP, URI Regional Coordinator Pakistan

2. Prayer: Women of different faith.

3.  Aim & objects and women wing report - Sr. Sabina Riffat, URI Women Coordinator Pakistan

4.  Message of the UN Secretary General will be read out:  http://reliefweb.int/node/452240            

5.  Presentation:  Women Wing Activities on Multimedia. 

6. Speeches/Talk on Rural Women

7. Tableau -  ABC4ALL School Staff

8.  Sharing by the Women participants

9.  Poem and Songs.                                          

10. Word of Thanks - Mr. Yuel Bhatti, URI Executive Secretary Pakistan.

11. All Participants will join in Dinner.