URI Conference in Prishtina, Kosovo – Action to Peace

18 October 2011
Kosovo 2011.JPG

On October 1, 2011, URI-Europe organized a conference in Pristhina, Kosova. The aim was to promote the ideals of interfaith cooperation for peace, justice and healing and to give practical support for interfaith cooperation.

Thirty activists came together:in addition to the hosts from Kosovo, international activists from Bosnia, Belgium, Germany, the UK, Spain and Algeria participated. The Bosnian participants drove 14 hours from Sarajevo via Mostar to Prishtina to be able to take part.

The programme was designed to assist participants in developing interfaith activities tailored to their needs and to the needs of their societies. It included building trust, envisioning change, reflecting on elements of peace and keys to success for interfaith management.

A new interfaith circle has formed in Kosovo which plans to join URI.

The next international URI-Europe conference is planned for the beginning of 2012 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Click here for photos.

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