New Trustees Take Oath of Office

22 June 2012

The latest version of the Trustee Oath reads as follows:

 Having been selected to serve as Trustees of the United Religions Initiative’s Global Council, we understand:

• That the purpose of the Global Council is to support the Membership in making real the vision and values of the Preamble, Purpose and Principles;

• That the Global Council’s central spirit is not one of control, but rather one of service informed by deep listening to the hopes and aspirations of the whole URI community;

• That the Global Council will inspire and support the URI worldwide community in cooperative global action;

• That the Global Council’s deliberations will be tempered by tenderness for one another and for the Earth community;

• That the Global Council’s actions will reflect a yearning to help the people of the URI fulfill their aspirations to be a positive force for peace, justice and healing in the world; and

• That the Global Council is responsible to develop financial and other resources to meet the needs of URI, Incorporated, to accept eligible applications for Membership in the URI and to manage the affairs of the Core Trust and URI, Incorporated.

Therefore, as Trustees of the United Religions Initiative’s Global Council, we pledge:

• To be exemplars who manifest the vision and values of the Preamble, Purpose and Principles,

• To honor the purpose, spirit, role and responsibilities of the Global Council,

• To model leadership and service by our actions,

• To bring our unique voices to the Global Council, and

• To share a deep commitment to serve the whole of the URI community.