The 9/11 Unity Walk

25 August 2013

The 9/11 Unity Walk brings together people of all ages, backgrounds and faiths to create a world where we are united, rather than divided, by our many faiths and creeds. 

On September 8, 2013, you are invited to the 9th annual Unity Walk dedicated to the life of South African President Nelson Mandela. 

Registration is open now on our website. 

In a striking display of unity, every house of worship – every church, synagogue, temple, gurdwara and mosque on Embassy Row opens their doors to each other and symbolically the world.   Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus , Buddhists, Baha’is, and more, come together to share delicious meals, hear speeches and make new friendships. The 9/11 Unity Walk offers a family-friendly event where people of all faiths or no faith put aside their differences, and share in a wonderful experience of learning and community service, including the dynamic interfaith youth service – CAIF! Performances include Mosaic Harmony Choir (representing 26 different faiths), and the DC Youth Poetry Slam Team!  

See Desmond Tutu and Tony Blair (Tony Blair Faith Foundation) speak about the Unity Walk on our website 

 In a true testament to what is possible, the Unity Walk, brings together faiths in dramatic settings.  Whether it’s opening with a Muslim call to Prayer in Washington’s largest synagogue, assembling trail mix for the homeless of our community at the regal Vatican Embassy, or learning about year-round interfaith youth service projects, the Unity Walk inspires us all. 

Charitable activities include collecting shoes to be sent to those in need, bagging fresh produce and assembling trail mix to send to the homeless in our community. You’ll enjoy singing, dancing, meditation, Tai chi, and not least, delicious free Indian Food!!   

SHOE DRIVE! Please bring new or gently used shoes for all ages.  

 We hope you will join us on September 8th! Register online today. 

For more information about the 9/11 Unity Walk, visit our website or find us on Facebook. Also, please help us spread the word: 

·  Invite your family and friends. 

·  Share information with your neighborhood listserv, school listserv, faith community, scouts and other community groups. It is a great event to come as a group! 

·  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

·  Add the Unity Walk to community calendars or your own website. 

·  To volunteer, visit this page and let us know how you want to help!