Whole Earth Summit

28 February 2014

Tamera co-founder Dr. Dieter Duhm will be meeting up with the pioneering Austrian "Rebel Farmer" Sepp Holzer to talk about "Healing Water, Healing Love, Healing the Earth." We’d like to welcome you to join us. This is part of the free online Whole Earth Summit. They are gathering with 42 extraordinary visionaries to share valuable insights around food, water, the commons, ecological activism and design, social transformation, collective vision, and practical models for making a difference. Our goal is to support people like you to become even more effective at creating regenerative communities and a more resilient world. We hope you will join us on March 12th, 6:30 PM EST.    

What is your vision for a resilient world? How are you creating it now?  

Whole Earth Summit: March 11-13th, 2014. 

If you haven’t done so yet, click here to register for free. It’s best to do this now so you can see the schedule and mark the other sessions you’d like to attend as well. Registering also gives you access to 48-hour free replays because we wouldn’t want you to miss anything. 

Thanks for participating! 

For a free earth, 

Monika Berghoff 

Institute for Global Peace Work - Tamera 

 PS - Please spread the word. Share this link with your networks, friends and family.  

To reserve your spot, click here.