The Weekly Shot: URI Celebrates with the UN

6 July 2015

It's been 15 full and fulfilling years since the United Religions Initiative charter was signed, and this year has brought many colorful and beautiful anniversary celebrations around the world. The most recent occasion for celebration was last Saturday, June 27, 2015, when URI was invited to join the 70th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, USA.

In this photo, taken by photographer Barbara Hartford, URI Executive Director Victor Kazanjian stands with Nick Bilogorskiy, Nova Ukraine Charity President; Cristina Gallach, UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information; Oleksandr Krotenko, Ukraine Consul for Trade and Economic Affairs; Milena Naymark, Nova Ukraine Charity Vice President; Monica Willard, URI Representative at the UN; Maher Nasser (Director of the Outreach Division, UN Department of Public Information).

Learn more about the Grace Cathedral celebration.