URI Portuguese Video Showing Collaboration and Inspiration

25 October 2015

Video (in Portuguese) shows URI meetings as members come together to share ideas and inspiration.

We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future holds, at the same time, great danger and great hope. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to create a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace. To reach this aim, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations (Earth Charter Preamble).

 - URI Global Council Trustee Prof. Dr. Genivalda Araujo Cravo dos Santos