Reflections on Holocaust Memorial Day

2 February 2016
kiran lightning candles

At the Holocaust event held at the University of Huddersfield, representatives from different faiths and community organisations gathered for readings, music and prayers to honour the survivors of the Holocaust, Nazi persecution, and subsequent genocides. I offered a reflection and lit a special candle to honour the survivors of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides.

“Today we see the reality of hatred in communities, the rise of religious and racial hatred and therefore the need for all of us to work hard at forming stronger community relations, and doing all we can to protect those who may be in danger. We recognise that many still find their lives dominated by injustice and oppression in our society

We must never forget the horrors of the Holocaust as it is only by learning the lessons from the past that we can build a just and caring future. The Holocaust and all genocides remind us of the terrible price others may pay for remaining silent.

As diverse communities we must continue to be vigilant in our effort to defeat discrimination and racism and not stand by, but stand up to create a safer future.

As people of faith we can lead the way. Faith communities are committed to building relationships of trust, mutual respect and to meeting with each other as good neighbours.

Our united community partnerships allow us to reflect on our learnings from the Holocaust and consider the consequences of standing by when discrimination, bullying and persecution is happening around us. It is important for us to work courageously and to speak up and stand up against injustice and intolerance in the spirit of humanity.

Let us ensure that the crimes committed against humanity during the Holocaust are never forgotten, particularly by younger generations.

Holocaust Memorial Day offers us the opportunity to remember all the victims, to reflect on our own attitudes to those we consider to be different from us and to resolve to work towards the elimination of prejudice and discrimination within our communities.

As we mark Holocaust Memorial, let us hold before God all those who are victims of atrocities in the world today, and let us commit ourselves to working to end hatred, and to build harmonious and hospitable communities of kindness and solidarity. Through the goodness of our deeds and the selflessness of our actions, may we offer healing and comfort to one other. Let us join our hands to strengthen our resolve to eliminate hatred in all its forms."