Our Global Community Responds to Orlando Tragedy

13 June 2016
group photo

Candlelight vigil for the Orlando nightclub shooting held at Morningside Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico | Photo credit: Kaldari (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

The collective voices of URI's global family send their love and condolences for those lost and affected by the Orlando mass shooting. Click here for a reflection from URI North America, as well as a breakdown of interfaith vigils being held throughout the country in honor of this tragedy. Add your voice by submitting a comment below, or by sending an email to [email protected].

Dear URI Family,

It is with great sadness that the members of the LGBTQ CC received the news of one of the most tragic shootings in America, the worst since 9/11. This occurred last evening as a gunman entered a bar, Pulse nightclub - a gay bar in Orlando, Florida, and began shooting. In the end, according to CNN this morning, 50 were killed and at least 53 injured and many more traumatized.

We send our condolences and our love to all of the victims and their families.

May Peace Prevail on Earth,

Audri Scott Williams, URI Global Council Trustee for Multiregion and member of LGBTQ CC

We join you in prayer and grief at this horrific shooting and the recent bloodshed we have seen globally. Violence and hatred have no place in society.

In all this darkness that we experience, may we all continue to be beacons of healing and light.

May peace prevail on Earth,

In prayer,

Kiran Bali, URI Global Council Chair

This is a time for grief. My heart is heavy. My heart is breaking. 

But I know we are strong. We are resilient. And I have hope because this community exists -- a community where we stand with one another, where we advocate for one another, where we enrich each other and make a more peaceful world for all. In these days, may we continue to be a vision for what the world can be. 

As we hold the victims and families in our hearts, let us also remember those doing interfaith work in Orlando. While we do not have any URI Cooperation Circles there, the following local groups are engaged in interfaith work: 

  • the Interfaith Council of Central Florida and
  • the Islamic Center of Central Orlando

I am sure it would mean a lot to them if we, as a global community, added them to our meditations and prayers during this time. If you know any other interfaith activists in the Orlando area, please let me know so I can reach out to them to offer the solidarity and support of URI North America. 

May Peace Prevail in Orlando. May Peace Prevail in the United States. May Peace Prevail on Earth. 

In Peace,

Sari Heidenreich, Regional Coordinator for North America 

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Interfaith Community,

Our thoughts and prayers are with all killed and injured in the recent violent attacks in Florida and in other communities around the world.  We stand in peace and solidarity with all working to create Communities, Nations and a Global Community of Peace.  May Peace Prevail on Earth. 

With Love and Prayers,

Michael Madrigal, Peace Prayer Cooperation Circle California, United States of America

Just landed back in San Francisco to hear this terrible news of the slaughter of so many innocent people who were simply celebrating life. Whatever toxic mix of hatreds fueled this tragedy, these killings have devastated the lives of so many. As our hearts break, let them break open as we extend our love to all those who were affected, and our solidarity to those who feel increasingly vulnerable as the targets of hate and bigotry. As we condemn these acts of violence, we also commit ourselves to standing together in support of each other and of safety and equality for all. 

In peace...

The Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian Jr., URI Executive Director

Dear URI community,

I send my deep heart felt condolence to all those grieving this assault on humanity. Bonding together let us grow even stronger and more tender and put and end to hate, violence and motives that incite horrible killing of innocent people.

Sally Mahe, URI Director of Global Programs and Organizational Development

Joining LGBTQ CC and humanity in pain and prayer. May our efforts to bring peace, justice and healing succeed!

Maria Crespo, URI Director of CC Support 

Dear Colleagues

On behalf of URI-Africa I would like to express our heartfelt condolence to the victims of the Orlando night club mass shooting. Our thoughts & prayers are with all those who have been affected.

May Peace Prevail on Earth.

In peace,

Mussie Hailu, Continental Coordinator for URI-Africa

Dear all URI Family Members,

It is really very sad news. On behalf of URI Dishari we would like to express our heartfelt condolence and love to all of the victims and their families. Our prayers are with all the family members who have been lost their nearest and dearest. 
May peace prevail on Earth.

With love and peace,

Rupa Sarker, Chairperson of Dishari (Khulna, Bangladesh)

Dear Sari and colleagues,

I and URI Korea have joined with you meditation and prayer for the victims and  families from attack in Orlando.

May peace prevailed on America and around world.

Jinwol Lee, Regional Coordinator for URI Korea

Dear friends,

We are shocked to hear about the terrible tragedy of Orlando. URI Asia Region expresses our heartfelt condolences.

Abraham Karickam, Regional Coordinator for URI Asia – India South Zone

On behalf of Mangochi Central West Cooperation Circle in Malawi we wish to convey our deeply heart  Condolences to the bereaved families for the loss of their loved ones on the terrorists attack of Orlando bar. We condemn the malpractice.

Patrick Polela, Mangochi Central West Cooperation Circle in Malawi 

Dear Friends,

On behalf of Amalumbo CC in Zambia I send our heartfelt condolences to those victims of the Orlando nightclub mass shooting.

May the hand of God intervene

Mutale Musonda, Amalumbo CC in Zambia 


Dear URI Family Members,


I am writing with a broken heart over the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, USA. We strongly condemn such kind of inhuman violence. Such kind of act is showing against human values and what they doing is against their religion’s tradition.  Killing of humans is creating frustration - creating disturbance and harassment. I pray for the victims’ families.

May God give them healing, peace and comfort.

In solidarity, peace and love.

Yuel Bhatti, URI Pakistan