Healing and Transforming Ourselves – Our Humanity

20 July 2016

Jul 20, 2016. 

7 (Cleansing) + 7 (Discipline) + 7 (Clarity) = 21-Day Fast Invitation 

July 26 to August 15, 2016 / Audri Scott Williams 

I have meditated and prayed -- calling on my Ancestors; on the wisdom teachers that guide me (past, present, and future); on my Angel Guides – the Grandmothers; on my higher self; and on the younger generations, and those yet to be born. The questions I continue to ask are, “What is being called forward at this time for us? What is being called forward in us in response to all that is happening in our communities and in the world? How do we respond in a way that will move us beyond this tragic moment in our history?” 

I do not believe I will be wrong in acknowledging that many of you are in the same quandary. And to ALL I say, “Thank you for at least taking the time to ask the questions that very well may lead us, individually and collectively, to actions that can become the foundation for an end to the genocidal practices that are affecting our black, brown, and red communities; immigrants; the LGBTQ, and increasingly vulnerable poor communities.” 

In pursuit of the answers to the questions resounding in my heart, I am being led to do a “21-Day Fast” that takes place in three 7-day increments, beginning July 26 and ending July 15. Why this timing? To many ancient cultures, July 26 serves as the day marker for the helical rising of the star Sirius, signaling a time for renewal and recommitment to the new year. In this fast, we have the opportunity to renew and recommit to ourselves and our shared humanity. 

I invite all who may feel called to join me. There will be a community call on July 25th (the day before we start) at 7pm Eastern Time. The call-in number, for this and all calls, is 712-775-7031 and the Access Code is 366-243-015. 

Below is the process I will follow for the 21 Days. If you choose to join me, feel free to modify this to create a process that works for you. 

The first 7 days are for cleansing (mind, body, and spirit); the second 7 days are for discipline; and the third 7 days are for clarity. The intention for this 21-day period is for Healing and Transforming Ourselves – Our Humanity. 

*The type of fast should be determined by each person and based on each person’s dietary needs. The objective is to give up something that will be a real test for you. Please do your own research and consult with practitioners who can advise you on whether you should fast or the best way for you to fast. 

1.       The First 7 Days: I will be doing a liquid fast (water and juicing). And I will engage in sunrise/sunset meditations and exercises such as yoga, Qi Gong, walking, dancing and journaling. As this is a cleansing time, I recognize that I will be releasing on every level and will use a buddy system so I will have someone I can share with during this 7-day period. I suggest you also have a Fasting Partner during this time. 

My affirmation: “I celebrate this opportunity to cleanse and clear my body temple.” 

There will be an open call on August 1st, (the end of the first 7 days) from 7 to 8:30pm - USA Eastern Time, for a group check in. 

2.       The Second 7 Days: This is the time that I will be mindful of my thoughts and actions, learning to take each thought and examine what is coming up for me. I will be journaling and sharing with my Fasting Partner at a designated time each day. This is also the cycle where I will begin to minimize external conversations – going deeper and deeper within. I will continue with my body work and become more conscious of my breathing. I will use meditation techniques to assist me in maintaining my focus. 

My affirmation: “I release and let go of any limiting thoughts. I am free to explore new possibilities and creative opportunities to examine my life, my family, and community. I am disciplined and consistent in my fasting, meditation, journaling, and body movements.” 

There will be an open call on August 8th (the end of 14 days) from 7 to 8:30pm - USA Eastern Time, for a group check in. 

3.       The Third 7 Days: These 7 days are centered on reflection and clarity. During this 7-day period I will seek to slow down, learning to gently begin a process of opening to the world, but not moving so fast that I become overwhelmed. This is a time when I will honor myself and others for holding an intention for 21 days. In the journaling process, I will highlight thoughts and actions that can be embraced by the collective body on this journey. 

My Affirmation: I see the world through new eyes. I now know the right action for me to take for my highest good and for the highest good for humanity. I am grateful and feeling great! I am ready to face the world with energy, excitement, and courage.” 
On the evening of August 15th, (the end of the 21 days of fasting) from 7 to 8:30pm - USA Eastern Time, there will be an open call for sharing and to ground this experience so it will guide and inform our actions forward in our daily lives and the lives of our families and communities. 

We are the Ones -- Wait No More, 

Audri Scott Williams 
