CBS Interfaith Special

14 September 2016

The Wisdom of Our Elders, a CBS Interfaith Special, features interviews with three faith leaders about how they became who they are today and their thoughts about the current state of religious affairs in the U.S. and worldwide. This special will be broadcast on the CBS Television Network Sunday, Sept. 18 (check local listings).

Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell is a URI Global Council Trustee for North America and an ordained minister in two Christian denominations, the Disciples of Christ and the American Baptist Church. The Global Council is URI’s governing board, with representatives from each region selected through a democratic election process for four-year terms. The Council champions interfaith collaboration and URI’s Preamble, Purpose, and Principles in every corner of the globe. Ordained at age 50, Rev. Campbell went on to become the first woman to serve as the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches and served as Director of the Department of Religion at the Chautauqua Institution for 14 years. Widely regarded for her work on behalf of the ecumenical interfaith movement, she frequently lectures on poverty, social justice, religious freedom and human rights. For more on her work, please click here.

Joan D. Chittister, O.S.B., is a Benedictine sister from Erie, Pennsylvania, who for the last fifty years has been a passionate advocate for peace, justice and human rights. She writes a column for the National Catholic Reporter, "From Where I Stand," and is co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, a UN-sponsored organization creating a worldwide network of women peacemakers. She is the author of over fifty books.

Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr., is Senior Minister Emeritus of The Riverside Church, and was the first African American to lead this multicultural, interdenominational congregation in New York City. Widely known as a "preacher's preacher," he recently launched "The Revival: Time for Moral Revolution of Values" with Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, the founder of the Moral Mondays movement. This multi-city campaign is aimed at promoting awareness about social injustice and inequality while also calling for more love and mercy in political discourse.

John P. Blessington, a longtime URI supporter, is Senior Executive Producer, and Liz Kineke is Producer. In choosing the topics and content of this Interfaith Special, they sought input from Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic, Sikh, and other religious scholars, clergy, and leaders, as well as interfaith organizations. 

Following the Sept. 18th air date, this program may be viewed again at

For the 2015 Christmas special featuring the United Religions Initiative, please click here.