Memoriam for Fr. Dr. Albert Nambiarparambil

22 February 2017

Read the Matters India news article, “Prophet of Religious Harmony” Dies, for more information about Fr. Dr. Albert Nambiarparambil’s life and legacy.



One of our great leaders of URI, Fr. Dr. Albert Nambiarparambil, passed away at Vazhakkala Ashram, near Kochi. An inspiring and dynamic organiser, he founded several study centres in Kerala, which became Cooperation Circles later. The World Fellowship of inter-religious Councils, established by Fr. Albert and Justice Shamsuddin, was the first URI Cooperation Circle in the State.

Fr. Albert was present in all important events of URI, including the first Asia-Pacific Assembly in Bali and the Asia Assembly at Pune. He himself organised a series of interfaith conferences, which attracted leaders from different parts of the world.

One more of our veterans joins the Celestial Cooperation Circle. Our pranams.

Abraham Karickam

Regional Coordinator, India, South Zone


Dear friends in URI,

I read with sadness today that Father Albert Nambiaparambil passed away after a brief illness on Feb. 8. Fr. Albert was indeed named a father of inter-religious harmony in India and was an early contributor in the formation of URI. Fr. Albert helped lead and support several Cooperation Circles -  Chavara Cultural Center, World Fellowship of Inter-religious Councils, and Upasana.

Fr. Albert and I were paired up for an Appreciative Interview many years ago. I remember he described how much he loved going back into a hall or meeting room after a conference had ended, sitting in stillness, reflecting on all that had transpired, and giving gratitude to God. I also remember a superb song and dance number that Fr. Albert and Justice Samshuddin performed for a URI talent show that brought us all to our feet with applause.

With a deep bow of gratitude, we remember and honor the life and commitment Father Albert. May all of the people he touched as an inter-religious leader carry forward his inspiring vision for peace among religions.

Our sincere condolence goes to his family and friends.

In sympathy,

Sally Mahé, Director of Global Programs and Organizational Development


Condolence! He is in my meditation and prayer for resting in the pureland or heaven with peace.

Jinwol Young H. Lee

Regional Coordinator, Korea


Fr. Albert was one of the first Catholics with whom I made friends in the URI, back in the planning meetings at Stanford.  He was always very supportive of our presence at the table and wished for more Catholic/Pagan dialogue.  I will miss him very much. 

Blessed Be, 

Don Frew

URI North America


How many good things he did! May his soul rest in peace!

Salette Aquino

URI Latin America and the Caribbean


On memorizing the deeds of very noble and humble man like Fr. Dr. Albert Nambiarparambil, we're also cherising the resurrection of our Lord from the dead and his victory over death. Indeed, such humans are never dead, they're always living in the hearts of those who been privileged with their friendship. Christ is Risen, Indeed, He is Risen. 

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4).

In peace and love,

Mina T. Kelleni, M.D., Ph.D.

Chairman of the Egyptian Council of Arakhna and Wise (ECAW) a United Religions Initiative Co-operation Circle advocating equal opportunities, peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians, early conflict resolution and transformation in Egypt, defending women, minorities and all the helpless regardless of any discrimination. Coptic orthodox believer and inter-faith researcher.


I am so sorry to hear the sad news on the passing of Fr. Dr. Albert Nambiarparambil.

On behalf of URI-Africa I want to convey our deepest condolence to you and his family.

May his soul rest in peace.

In peace and gratitude

Mussie Hailu

Regional Director for Africa and Global Envoy of URI