Grants up to $200 available for Multiregion CCs to celebrate International Day of Peace!

24 July 2017
Together for peace graphic

Jul 24, 2017. 

“Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All’ is the theme for the 2017 UN International Day of Peace (IDP).   This day offers an important opportunity for CCs to connect their work to that of the United Nations.  The theme was designed to recognize refugees or “the other” in meaningful ways. 

The Multiregion invites every CC to create or participate in the 2017 activities!  Many CCs already have plans already underway to observe IDP.  Other CCs may like some of the suggestions for an IDP event listed below. Activities or events need not be elaborate or formal. It can be a call or meeting, a gathering around art, music, food, service, or an educational forum. Activities can involve prayers and meditations for peace.  They can also offer the opportunity to invite new people into the CC.  Creativity is invited as you plan your CC event! The purpose is to bring people together to find common ground to work toward a more peaceful and cooperative future, with each participant knowingly playing a positive role in creating change. 

In the Multiregion we are striving for 100% participation from active CCs this year!! 

Our regional staff and a committee of volunteers is here to help you. We will be checking in with every CC in July and August, offering advice, support and financial support

To apply for a grant up to $200 from the Multiregion, please fill out the application: Idp Multiregion Award Application Docx. All applications are due back to the Multiregion by August 21, 2017.   


Not sure where to begin? Here are some ideas: 

  • THE MINUTE OF SILENCE at 12 noon local time on September 21 is something that everyone can do. The Multiregion, along with all the other URI regions, will embrace the Earth in a wave of peace prayers! 

  • Plan a simple dialogue as part of the Week of Dialogue (sponsored by Multiregion CC Global Family for Love and Peace). See the attached guidelines for ideas about how to plan a dialogue and some possible topics for discussion.   

  • Be a part of The Compassion Games: 1) Sign your CC up to be a Secret Agent and receive missions from the International Kindness Team! 2) Organize some Random Acts of Kindness, 3) Plant lasting seeds of compassion in your community with a Service Project

  • Ask your local pizza parlor to join the Piece of Pizza for Peace program. 

  • Participate in the 11 Days of Global Unity and Global Unity Games

  • Meditate or pray together. Make art. Do yoga. Sing! 


For more information contact: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]