URI Latin America Invites to talk about: The Ancestral People Worldview and your spiritual connection with the Nature.
Dear members of the URI CCs.
This is an invitation to the talking The Ancestral People Worldview and your spiritual connection with the Nature that is going to happen at June 11th 2020:
3 pm Central America
4 pm Ecuador
5 pm Chile and Venezuela
6 pm Argentina and Brazil
2 pm California
You can join the talking using the link below
Meeting ID: 426 712 6885
Password: 874462
This event is open to all those that want to participate, fell free to share among your contacts.
Sofía Painiqueo
Healing and faith woman, belongs to the Mapuche indigenous culture. Has been representing the Mapuche women into different national and international encounters. She was born at the Dibulko Community, in the Lumaco neighborhood, Chile. She has two daughters, she is a singer a songwriter, self-taught master related to the Mapudhgun that is the mapuche language. Since at very young age she participates in the Cultural Mapuche Centers in Chile and has large experience and achievements related to the political leadership as Presidential Delegate. She is in URI since its beginning, collaborating with the CC Spiritual Forum from Santiago, Chile, more than a decade. In 2014 she created, in Temuco city, the Alflaiai CC, from each she is the first representative, this CC was born from the Fotm Mapu organization, which she is also the co-founder. Produced the documentary called “ Why do we call Mapuche”.
Raul Angel Mamani
Was born at the indigenous community Kolla in Jujuy Argentina. In 1980 is rooted in Buenos Ayres, in the year 1982 join the Centro Kolla ONG from Buenos Aires and in the 1985 starts to rescue the indigenous thinking collecting dada from oral history among his brothers from indigenous community. In 1994 he is invited to join URI. In 2000 he attended the Indigenous Worldview that that took place in Quito, Ecuador, in 2004 attended the Religions Parliament in Barcelona, Spain and in the year 2005 he was elected as Global Counselor from Latin America. In the year 2009 he attended the Religions Parliament that took place in Melbourne, Australia, and in 2015 attended the Religions Parliament that was held in Uthat – EEUU. Also made many visits to Indigenous Peoples on the 5 continents with the target to exchange opinions about the Indigenous People WorldView. Currently he lives in Jujuy giving support to the indigenous people community development.
Moderator: Victor Rey, Philosophy Profesor in Concepcion University, Chile. Licensed in Social Sciences by the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. Master degree in Social communication by the Catholic University in Lovaina, Belgium. Founder member of the Spiritual Reflection and Ecological Community (CREE). Coordinator of RILEP in Ecuador. URI facilitator on URI Quito, Ecuador, and director of the Service of Studies of Reality (SER).
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