On Thursday, August 27, the Offering to Mother Earth Conversation was held, which is part of the series of conversations organized by the URI member groups with Indigenous members; Aflaiai from Chile and Qewña from Argentina. Twenty participants attended, including Sally Mahe and Alice Swett from the URI Global Office, as well as members of the other CCs in the region.
On this occasion, the main speaker was Alejandrino Quispe, former Global Trustee and first contact of CC Amaru of Peru, who shared his knowledge about the offerings to Mother Earth that are made from their Quechua Aymara culture.
All this knowledge awakened and encouraged the members of the other URI member groups with Indigenous members to share about their particular worldviews and rituals dedicated in the month of August to Pachamama or Mother Earth.
The discussion was a very interesting exchange of knowledge and cultural traditions for all attendees because it nurtured the thoughts and relationships of all of us who inhabit this planet.
Please scroll through the slideshow below by using the yellow arrows.