International Day of Peace and URI
Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981, the International Day of Peace – "IDP" or “Peace Day” – was declared as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. URI has been a proud partner of the International Day of Peace since our network's inception in 2000.
2024 International Day of Peace Activities
The theme for the 2024 International Day of Peace is: Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #Global Goals.
Host your own events in celebration of IDP: in URI we have a strong tradition of celebrating International Day of Peace in many different ways, through acts of service, prayer gatherings, peace walks, concerts, art showcases, community outreach, and interfaith events that direct us towards peace. This tradition in URI goes back right to the days of URI's formation. You are encouraged to share your plans of how your Cooperation Circle will be marking International Day of Peace this year and be added to URI's 2024 event listing.
Artwork for your own IDP events: The graphics designed for this year's IDP, can be downloaded from this public Trello site. There are posters in multiple languages for you to use, so you are encouraged to make the most of them.
Looking for ideas on how to celebrate? See past URI celebrations.
Social Media: As you publish your events in social media, we encourage you to use any or all of the hashtags below to connect to the overall campaigns:
#URI #URI4Peace #URIactions4Peace - for URI social media channels
#Global Goals - for the UN social media channels.
Please fill out the short form below to be added to URI's 2024 listing.