Restoring Our Lost Smile Takes Courage

22 May 2024
Fe menina

The current number of women forming the Fé menina CC is small, but their purpose is not.

The purpose of Fé-menina is “to rescue the feminine principle in the religious, spiritual and indigenous traditions and to promote justice, cooperation and healing among people of different genders, thereby creating a culture of peace.”

Marly Pedra, a pediatrician, homeopathic doctor, and a leader of Fé menina put their courageous aim poetically, “Let’s restore our lost smile.” Marly acknowledges the worldwide invisibility and oppression of women. Trauma and suffering stop their smiles. A movement is needed that strengthens women. “All of us need to help the heart of women everywhere in the world. It’s a big job.”

In September 2023, fourteen Fé menina members from different faith traditions gathered in a retreat setting near São Paol Brazil. They chose to act from the feminine principle when they gathered. To look each other in the eye, to feel the energy represented by the diversity of women, to learn about the sacred feminine principle in different religious traditions.

They wanted to listen to one another, to be in silence together, to heal, to share dreams, to make something together that was visible and tangible. They co-created an art piece - a camelia flower made with clay tiles, a symbol of the feminine principle. Its petals conveyed feminine qualities including compassion, inclusion, listening, love, and the power of beauty.

Currently, Fé menina women are creating a virtual and physical exhibition that educates people about the sacred feminine, “the mother” in all religions. They see a future where the soul of the women of the world is healed. They see future generations strengthened when the masculine and feminine principles existing in every person are understood, honored and balanced.

Can such a small group of dedicated women spark a movement that awakens the sacred feminine? Are they alone in their quest?

All mothers give birth. Women know suffering, feel invisible, and naturally use their strength to heal and to help. Women gather and make things happen. Smiles are wildly contagious.

Imagine the droplets of billions of small courageous actions to stop violence becoming a tsunami. The sacred feminine in the cosmos is awakening.

Margaret Meade’s famous words apply, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."