August Youth Month Challenge

31 July 2024

Are you ready for the challenge?

Welcome to the URI August Youth Month Challenge! Sign up below to receive each week's task and reflection prompts. Complete all four tasks and become a URI Youth Champion! 

How does it work?

Each week, you will receive an email with information for the task for that week. You will receive guiding instructions and support resources as well. 

Once you have completed the task, you are required to share a photo and a short written reflection back with us. You can choose whether to do this as part of a Whatsapp group, via the upcoming URI app, or on social media. All instructions will be in the email.  

Each week the task is related to one area of the URI purpose. Here's a sneak peek, so you can plan ahead. 

Week 1: Theme ‘Daily Interfaith Cooperation’

week of 12 August 2024

Challenge: Share a meal with someone new from a different faith tradition and open a conversation about how your religion, faith or culture influences your daily life (eg. what you eat).

Week 2: Ending Religiously Motivated Violence

week of 19 August 2024

Challenge: Post a message against hate speech, promote empathy (create the counter-narrative), and share with the #WePreventViolence.

Week 3: Creating Cultures of Peace, Justice and Healing for the Earth and all living beings

week of 26 August 2024

Challenge: Choose local action for earth restoration and climate justice, like supporting an earth restoration project, organizing a local clean up or planting a food garden.

Week 4: Cultures of Peace, Justice, and Healing

week of 2 September 2024

Challenge: Write a letter to a local leader, your community, a world leader, Mother Earth, or the world calling for peace. What does Cultivating Cultures of Peace mean to you, and how are you Cultivating Cultures of Peace?  Here are examples.

For those who complete all four challenges, you will receive: 

  • A certificate of completion with the title of URI Youth Champion

  • Invitation to an exclusive celebration event (online) 

  • The option to have your story and voice shared through URI’s social media channels 

  • The option to have your letter from week 4 compiled into an ebook and shared as part the UN’s International Day of Peace 

Can I do the challenge if older than 35? 

People over 35 are welcome to join the challenge!

While the title of ‘URI Youth Champion’ is reserved for people under 35 - all will still receive a certificate of completion in recognition of your commitment to action for peace, justice, and healing. 

Ready for the challenge?
Youth Engagement