Indigenous Voices from Latin America

8 August 2024

In a beautiful nature setting in the city of La Paz (The Peace) in Honduras, 30 indigenous (15 from neighbor countries from Central America and the Caribbean and 15 from different communities in Honduras) met to reflect together on Preserving their Culture and Preventing Violence.

After two days and a half of intense conversation led by Rosalía Gutierrez, event Coordinator and on Lempira Day  (National holiday in Honduras dedicated to honoring the country's Lenca national hero, Lempira) the participants shared their experience and handled a manifesto to a group of non-indigenous that joined them: CC members, Regional Leadership Team and Jerry White, URI´s ED representing URI, Jessica Sarowitz and her team representing the contributors to the gathering and Doris Gutierrez, the Presidential Delegate of Honduras (Vice-president) representing the government of Honduras.

The general feeling was that of excitement for the opportunity to be together in their diversity. The participants outside Honduras were from Aymara, Cacaopera, Kolla, Kuna, Maya, Purepecha. The peoples represented in the group from inside Honduras were Chorotega, Lencas , Miskitos, Garifuna, Maya Chroti,  Pech, Tawaka, Tolupan. 

Also, they shared that, even in the context of their diversity, they were able to find common ground through their ceremonies and cosmovisions and also when sharing the types of violence they face daily. They were empowered when finding tools to prevent violence together and understanding that each of them could be an interruptor when ready and in the right context to stand and break the cycle.

Apart from the rich Indigenous gathering other important events took place: conversations with 40 Marketing Students at the Honduras National University. As we engage in a violence prevention campaign and in the importance to creating a stronger network of young activists , their wisdom was very much appreciated



On July 21st, URI and Donor ́s teams visited Marcala and with the support of Guadalupe Cruz our violence prevention trainer had a conversation on violence and violence prevention at a communal Lenca center. The women's organization that convened the young leaders, called Murilpaz, expressed the need of support to their work through continuing to train and support in the prevention of violence against women, indigenous and the environment

Especially meaningful was a visit to COEAS plant nursery. It was important to better understand the goals and work of Yessy, a member of Honduras National Cooperation Circle, and her team of volunteers who are focused on saving Triquilapa mountain. Its existence and possibility to provide oxygen and water to the community is at risk because of economic interests and poor management. Reciprocity and interruption of violence against nature are core values that guide their very focused and steady efforts.

All these different events have an impact on the growth and development of Latin America and the Caribbean URI Region that had Central America as a growth target in 2024. To better understand how to move forward, the Latin America Regional Leadership Team also gathered in the area. Outgoing and Incoming Trustees had long planning meetings when the events were over to assure a healthy and dynamic transition.