Seeding the Creativity

4 September 2024
seeding creativity

The "Seeding the Peace" interfaith youth camp in The Hague reached a creative crescendo on its fourth day with an art workshop titled "Seeding the Creativity," led by HRH Prince Boris of Bulgaria. Embracing the role of a facilitator, Prince Boris guided participants through the process of creating a collaborative collage that depicted a mustard tree, symbolizing growth, unity, and peace.

The inspiration behind this session was drawn from the Christian parable of the mustard seed, which illustrates how small actions can lead to significant change.

This theme was explored through the creation of a large, intricate collage using various materials that reflected the participants' diverse cultural backgrounds.

Prince Boris explained the symbolic significance of the mustard seed, referencing the biblical passage: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed... Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree” (Matthew 13:31-32).

URIE HRH Workshop 2

The workshop highlighted how the concept of small beginnings leading to great outcomes is a common thread across multiple faiths.

In Islam, the parable of the date seed is used to emphasize the importance of small, good deeds; in Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita teaches that even the smallest offerings, when made with love, hold great value; Buddhism uses the lotus flower as a symbol of growth and potential, showing how individuals can rise above challenges to achieve spiritual enlightenment; and in Judaism, the Talmud illustrates the idea that even the smallest parts of creation have the potential to flourish with divine support.

URIE HRH Workshop 3

This creative session not only allowed the participants to express their understanding of peace and freedom through art but also reinforced the camp's overarching goal of fostering interfaith dialogue and eco-justice.

By blending artistic expression with spiritual teachings, the workshop demonstrated how art can serve as a powerful medium for peacebuilding, bringing together diverse perspectives to create a shared vision of a peaceful and just world.

URIE HRH Workshop 4

We are deeply grateful to HRH Prince Boris for his valuable contribution to the camp. His leadership and creative input made the session truly memorable.

We are proud to share that an article featuring this event has been presented in the Histoires Royales (in French), further highlighting the significance of his involvement in fostering interfaith dialogue among youth.

Lastly, we are also pleased to announce that HRH Prince Boris has decided to become URI individual Member, further strengthening our global network.