Commit Your Best – Take a Personal Pledge for Peace

13 September 2024

Peace is possible when each of us makes peace within ourselves, families and communities. This Peace Pledge offers a way each one of us can commit to becoming a non-violent peaceful person.

In 2000, Mussie Hailu, currently Director of URI Africa office, wrote and distributed a Personal Pledge for Peace in 193 countries. Mussie revised this pledge in 2018 for the URI global family to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to live this pledge every day.

Thank you, Mussie, for urging us to walk hand in hand and contribute to a culture of peace, security, human dignity, friendship and constructive dialogue in the spirit of world citizenship.

You are invited to make this Pledge for Peace, take it to heart and share it widely.


URI Personal Pledge for Peace and Non-violence

We, members of United Religions Initiative, acknowledge that world peace is only possible when we start to make peace within ourselves, our family and in our respective communities.

Therefore, on this International Day of Peace each of us commit ourselves as best as we can to become peaceful and a non-violent person. To this effect, we pledge:

  • To respect ourself, to affirm others and to avoid uncaring criticism, hurtful words, physical attacks and self-destructive behavior.
  • To share our feelings honestly, to look for safe ways to express our anger, and to work at solving problems peacefully.
  • To listen carefully to others, especially those who dialogue with us, and to consider others’ feelings and needs, rather than insist on having our own way.
  • To apologize and make amends when we have hurt another, to forgive others, and to keep from holding grudges.
  • To treat the environment and all living things, including animals, with respect and care.
  • To avoid entertainment that features violence.
  • To challenge violence in all its forms whenever we encounter it, whether at home, at school, at work, or in the community.
  • To accept the Golden Rule (to treat others as we wish others to treat us) as our motto and principle in life.
  • To promote a culture of peace, dialogue, and interfaith cooperation.
  • To respect and uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • To live by, uphold and guide by the Preamble, Purpose and Principle of the Charter of United Religions Initiative.