Alaska Interfaith Power and Light brings the voice of the faith communities about environmental protection into the policy-making arena. Their mission includes being advocates for vulnerable people and communities that are the most heavily impacted by climate change. From air pollution to droughts to rising seas, it is poor people who are being hit first and worst by global warming. Their goal is to ensure that climate policies provide adaptation and mitigation support for communities, domestically and internationally, whose health and survival is at stake. Interfaith work is an asset and that helps them make sure that all people can participate in and benefit from the growing clean energy economy. They recruit congregations as members, educate congregants about global warming, and help the city and Borough of Junean to adopt a plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80%. Alaska Interfaith Power and Light also supports actions by municipal governments to lower carbon footprints and respond to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Members believe it is important to protect the earth’s ecosystems, safeguard the health of all Creation, and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all.
Help the City and Borough of Juneau to adopt a plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80%
Our purpose is to respond to climate change through promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy and the wise use of the Earth´s resources.
Action Areas
Unitarian Universalist
Number of Members
Anchorage, AK, United States of America
Joined URI Network