Brotherhood of humanity

Let’s agree to disagree.
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To make religion part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Shi'a, Sunni, Sufi
Number of Members
North India
New Delhi,, Delhi, India
Joined URI Network

Brotherhood of Humanity CC is a pioneer to talk about peace and humanity and love through telling a positive story of Islam. The organization works with young students to counter hate speech and extremism by using experiential learning techniques, which has inspired and motivated people from all age groups to reflect on the true goodness of the religion. It has extensively worked in madrasas, colleges, schools and many more places to promote the idea of brotherhood. The group is formed by people from different sectarian backgrounds among Muslims. It gives members a deeper understanding of the issues and builds empathy. They intend to work more with youth and develop content to promote love and not merely peace, reaching out to religious leadership to promote harmony. A youth retreat they organized, which invited students of different sectarian backgrounds to come together and discuss why there should be unity, is among their most memorable activities.

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