Coordination Des Confessions Relgiouses Congolaises

Different religious communities in the Congo fighting against HIV/AIDS together
"Our purpose is to coordinate, follow up and assess activities to raise awareness and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in Brazzaville, Congo."
Christianity, Islam, Baha'i
Reformed, Catholic, Salvation Army, Evangelical
Number of Members
Great Lakes
Brazzaville, Congo
Joined URI Network

This Cooperation Circle (CC) organizes a big campaign to educate others about HIV/AIDS in schools and at other social gatherings throughout the Congo. They manage to bring all religions in Brazzaville, Congo together to work in the fight against HIV/AIDS and to reduce the stigmatization of people who are living with the HIV virus. They dream of living in a healthy and peaceful world, and are working towards this in the Congo by joining hands with others like URI to make this happen in the world together.

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