Good Hope

Bringing improvement at the grassroots level
"Our purpose is to promote interfaith among all communities through our work."
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism
Number of Members
North India
Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Joined URI Network

Good Hope Cooperation Circle (CC) is committed to social service and has also worked effectively and limitlessly to bring improvement at the grassroots level. They have also educated school students and the youth on the issues of peace and harmony and through URI. They are involved in peace promoting activities. Small towns and villages in the area are common targets of communal fights because of politicization of religion and communalism. The work members are doing on interfaith bridge-building is very relevant in the present arena. They also work on the environment and have extensive experience as a fact-finding team. They intend to use their network to engage the youth in running programs for a greener world and finally leaving an impact on society.

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