Movimiento Ecuménico Interreligioso de Pueblos Indígenas

Rebuilding for a better life
Photo of Movimiento Ecuménico Interreligioso de Pueblos Indígenas.
"Our purpose is to promote being ‘qullan jaqi in aski pacha,’ or a ‘clean conscience humanity.’"
Christianity, Indigenous
Aimara Wisdom, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist
Number of Members
La Paz, Bolivia
Joined URI Network

The mission of Movimiento Ecuménico Interreligioso de Pueblos Indígenas Cooperation Circle (CC) is to proclaim ‘jallalla,’to affirm and re-affirm the ‘suma qaman~a,’ and to live well in the context of the inter-spiritual, intercultural, ecumenical and inter-religious context for a new plurinational Bolivia.

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