Science of Spirituality , Nigeria

Transforming lives through meditation.
Contributing to a peaceful, loving world by discovering our own potential.
Atheist, Christianity, Islam, Spirituality
Number of Members
Western Africa
Alausa-Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
Joined URI Network

Science of Spirituality, Nigeria is the Nigeria Chapter of an international non-profit which is non-denominational, committed to spiritual development, peace and service to humanity. The organization has 37 centers scattered in towns and cities across Nigeria. The Nigeria Head Office is located in Lagos, Western Nigeria.

Science of Spirituality, Nigeria engages members of the public and offers various social services on health, humanitarian and disaster relief and conferences, etc. Nigeria has been torn apart by religious and ethnic conflicts. These two problems have manifested themselves in various forms of crisis such as insurgency, militancy, and insecurity in both the northern and southern parts of the country. Members of Science of Spirituality, Nigeria believe this situation is a byproduct of lack of understanding on the part of the general population that humanity is but one family. Science of Spirituality, Nigeria hopes to change the mindset of the general populace, and make them accept diversity as strength rather than a weakness - a situation that would lead to a more peaceful society. Members expect to advance their goals of unity and peace in Nigeria through conferences and mass orientation campaigns aimed at promoting understanding among religious groups and ethnic nationalities, and getting people to know about meditation and its effect on physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. In Nigeria, the bridge needed is between Islam and Christianity; and between the country’s ethnic nationalities, particularly the major groups.

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