Women and Spirituality

Linking the voices of women of all faiths, ages, races, and traditions
“Our purpose is to bring women together online to share the richness of their spiritual traditions. They model themselves in a non-hierarchical fashion, in circles of sisterhood to hear and link the voices of women of all faiths.”
Action Areas
Indigenous, Christianity, Spirituality, Earth Based, Islam
Interfaith, Episcopal, Neopagan Wiccan, Anglican, Catholic, Sufi
Number of Members
Bearsville, NY, United States of America
Joined URI Network

Women and Spirituality Cooperation Circle (CC) exists virtually as a forum for discussion, awareness and networking for women who are exploring how their unique feminine spirituality has common bonds. CC members work towards several conferences and support each other's initiatives. In a time of change, they seek to create a new vehicle for the Divine Feminine to manifest on Earth to work on behalf of all women, children and the Mother Earth herself. They work to eliminate any form of intolerance and sexual violence towards women.

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URI Stories of Impact