Leaders Celebrate Jerusalem As A ‘Capital of Peace’

25 May 2012

Rabbi Froman, the chief rabbi of the Tekoa settlement and an outspoken advocate for peace, and Abuelhawa –  known as the “ambassador of goodwill from the Mount of Olives” --  held their alternative Jerusalem Day celebration May 21 at David Yellin College, located within the Beit HaKarem neighborhood of West Jerusalem.

The two religious leaders and old friends spoke and danced together during the event, which featured the music of Israeli rock stars Barry Sakharof and Ehud Banai. For a first-person account of the celebration, read blogger Ariel Fisher’s story here.  

Rabbi Froman is a longtime advocate of interfaith dialogue who has argued that peacemaking efforts between Israel and the Palestinians must include the religious leaders of both societies.  He has long supported making Jerusalem, the current capital of Israel, the religious capital of all three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Haj Ibrahim is the facilitator of the Jerusalem Peace House, a project of the Jerusalem Peacemakers that provides transitional housing and other aid to peacemakers visiting Jerusalem.