Philosophy Course

19 January 2021
Photo: Screen photo of the course participants.

On Thursday, January 14, the first class via zoom of the Philosophy course was given: «An intellectual and spiritual experience». It is a course that will last two months, eight Thursdays with a duration of one hour, at 8:00 p.m. Chile. The first class was attended by 18 students from eight countries, an intercultural and interreligious exchange.

Victor Rey, the CC CREE's first contact, extends the invitation to all those interested in taking advantage of this good time of growth, community, and knowledge. Next, it describes the contents of the Philosophy course:

Teacher: Victor Rey

• Introduction

An overview of Philosophy.

• Why is philosophy important today?

• What is philosophy for?

• The problems that philosophy studies.

• Differences between: philosophy, science, religion, myth, culture.

Philosophy and theology.

• Periods in the history of philosophy: Classical Philosophy. Medieval Philosophy. Modern Philosophy. Contemporary Philosophy.

• Philosophy for life, as a spiritual experience.