Global Civil Society Apps

A global context of unity and diversity
"We address the twin crises of our time—extreme poverty and climate change—through furthering personal and collective self-determination in a global context of unity and diversity."
Islam, Spirituality, Buddhism, Christianity, Humanism, Hinduism
Sufi, Interfaith
Number of Members
Richmond, CA, United States of America
Joined URI Network

The purpose of this Cooperation Circle (CC) is threefold:
First: to re-engage the biology and politics of starvation based on the best science and social science criteria (similar to the way in which small pox was eliminated); and to begin to create a new infrastructure to eradicate starvation, described by leading experts as “arguably the cruelest disease.”
Second: to cultivate greater public awareness of the effects of the “extreme poverty-malnutrition-starvation-famine-violence-continuum.”
Third: to depoliticize this human tragedy and utilize the tools of medical science in conjunction with interfaith, Global Ethic and Charter for Compassion, ethics, chaplaincy and global civil society and the UN.
Their activities include:
Designing negotiation platforms for deep multi-social-sector cooperation and collaboration—intra-nationally and internationally—using the tools of conferences, publishing, lexicography, education, research, public policy formation, new methodology, social media, art, social innovation philanthropy, revised Hippocratic Oath, and “best practices” among others.

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