Secular Youth Foundation, Bangladesh

Inter religious friendship among the different faiths
Our purpose is to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings – just like URI.
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam
Number of Members
Mohammadpur, Dakha, Bangladesh
Joined URI Network

Secular Youth Foundation has been working since 2005 in an urban area in Bangladesh. In 2010, it was reorganized by a group of young members looking for global peace. They are all enthusiastic by nature and want to see a secular world driving away everything that favors the chain of conflicts, riots and other forms of violence between communities of different religious, faith or ethnic origins. They believe the present situation in the country needs urgent attention towards mutual respect and bonding because relationships are often troublesome, and there are many news of communal clashes making people stay apart from each other led by fear and mistrust. Their plan is to open doors for the youth to learn global issues to solve local challenges. They hope that they can bring peace and harmony through youth activities. They believe that no youth should be engaged in drugs and crime; rather, they must live a peaceful, exuberant life of their dreams. They think their work will also help overcome discrimination.

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