The URI Resource Library is a collection of downloadable materials and links to a variety of resources that support interfaith peacebuilding work.
Featured Resources
Appreciative Inquiry and URI
Appreciative Inquiry is a philosophy for positive change that was developed by Professor David Cooperrider and associates at Case University in Cleveland, Ohio. This document provides a brief summary of the Appreciative Interview process.
URI for Kids
A beautifully designed curriculum for children (and learners of all ages) that introduces URI's Preamble, Purpose and Principles, and provides excellent information and activities about different world religions and spiritual traditions.
Interfaith Peacebuilding Guide
The URI Interfaith Peacebuilding Guide is a resource for interfaith groups — those “everyday gandhis” who are making a difference one meeting at a time in their local communities.
Patrice Brodeur and Eboo Patel, founder of Interfaith Youth Core, provides insight into the emerging interfaith youth movement through the perspectives from founding organizers and influential actors in the field. If you are interested in Interfaith work, specifically with youth, this is a must read!
This workshop was adapted from the URI Interfaith Peacebuilding Guide. Participants got into groups of the same tradition and looked at what practices in their tradition contribute to peaceful interfaith relations as well as what practices or teachings of their tradition might present a challenge to interfaith understanding and harmony.