Oct 19: Programs at the Parliament

30 August 2015

This post contains the program schedules and descriptions for Monday, October 19th. 

For a listing of the program schedules for other dates, please click on the links below:

October 16 | October 17 | October 18



Understanding Religious Traditions 101- Paganism

October 19th, 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Room 251 F

Come with questions, leave with answers and a deeper understanding of other faith traditions.  This daily 101 series will provide a basic overview of four faith traditions spread over each day of the Parliament: Islam, the Sikh religion, Judaism, and Paganism.  Debunking myths, sharing practitioners’ views, addressing women’s issues and more will be covered over the hour with a preference for questions and answers.  The doors are open to learning, engaging in dialogue and putting a face behind faith traditions that may otherwise be misrepresented, misunderstood, or simply unknown.

Panelist: Andras Corban-Arthen, Earth Spirit

Panelist: Angie Buchanan, Earth Traditions

Panelist: Donald Frew

Panelist: Ruth Barrett, Temple of Diana, Inc.

Panelist: Starhawk, Director, Earth Activist Training


Building and Funding a Dynamic Interfaith Movement

October 19th, 8:15 - 9:45AM

Room 250F

In this workshop, representatives from the Arizona Interfaith Movement will discuss the strategies and successes of developing and funding a dynamic interfaith movement throughout a large and diverse community.

Presenter: Paul Eppinger (Arizona Interfaith Movement)


Sacred Place of Forgiveness

October 19th, 8:30 - 10:00AM

Room 355E

This program will act as an opportunity to inspire the process of forgiveness with rituals of mourning and prayer: 
• for acts of violence and injustice one’s own ancestors may have done to people from other religions and cultures. 
• for the suffering from violence or injustice one’s own ancestors had to endure. 
Participants will consider where they personally take profit from violence towards people from other religions in history or even in present times and take action towards justice and reconciliation.

Presenter: Elisabeth Ziegler-Duregger (URI CC Osttirol Austria)


Faith at the United Nations: Sustainable Development Goals, Peace and Interfaith Understanding

October 19th, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Ballroom A

Come hear about faith based efforts at the UN, towards environmental sustainability, towards human rights, and a global culture of peace. Learn how you can influence UN processes and advocate for a strong climate change agreement in Paris in December 2015. Faith groups have a responsibility to ensure that the moral voice is part of the discourse. But much of the faith community’s support of this process may more realistically and effectively take place at the grassroots and national levels. Strong popular support for climate action is desperately needed. Faith leaders and their communities are positioned to raise prophetic voices at home and lay a foundation for a sustainable future. Local and international efforts can be complementary and mutually reinforcing. Learn about the efforts of the Mining Working Group to overturn the exploitative model of extractive industries (oil, gas, minerals, all forms) and the struggle for a strengthened human rights agenda. Ongoing efforts towards interfaith understanding and peace are part of the annual cycle of UN work - learn how you can engage, support and be supported by faith based work at the UN. 

Presenter Grove Harris

Presenter Azza Karam

Presenter Monica Willard

Presenter Peter Adriance

Presenter Dr. Kusumita Pedersen

Presenter Denise Scotto


Plenary 6: Spotlight on Indigenous Peoples

October 19th, 10:30AM-12:00PM

Plenary Hall

Like all plenary sessions, this plenary is open to all. It is a gathering of Indigenous voices speaking with wisdom and deep concern for urgent action for right relationships and the preservation of all life on Mother Earth. The momentum built at the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples at the Melbourne Parliament will be carried forward by issuing a declaration at this plenary which will serve as a guiding document for the interfaith movement.

Presenters: Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Ta’Kaiya Blaney (Protecting and Restoring the Sacred)



Dances of Universal Peace

October 19th, 11:45 - 1:15 PM, 2-3 PM

North Foyer

Embody your commitment to justice, non-violence, and peace with this moving meditation and body prayer practice that honors and celebrates the beauty and truth immanent in all beings. The Dances of Universal Peace are meditative, joyous, multi-cultural circle dances using sacred phrases from the world’s spiritual traditions, joined with live music and movement, to create embodied prayers that allow us to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves, and recognize it in others. Come sing and dance with new and familiar friends from all faiths and creeds, recognizing God in each face and feeling the sacred heart connection that unites us all. 
The Dances help us cultivate inner compassion, awareness, openness and acceptance which foster a lived theology or ethic of peace; inspiring outer action toward nonviolence, understanding and care for all of creation. There are neither performers nor audience and the simple songs and dances are taught as we go along. Each day’s session will be guided by diverse Dance leaders from around the world. All are welcome and no experience is necessary.

Presenter: Elizabeth Dequine (Bainbridge/North Kitsap Interfaith Council)

Peace Through Forgiveness

October 19th, 2-3:30 PM

Room 251B 

As we all strive within our varying Interfaith traditions to become instruments of Peace we realize that we all encounter obstacles such as fear, resentment, betrayal, and rigidity around forgiveness. Join us in a heartfelt ritual to overcome these obstacles and release resentments on our path to wholeness. 
Our intention is to validate our various faith traditions as we invite others to participate through music, the spoken word, dyad work, prayer and releasing rituals that will include the four elements of fire, water, earth, and air in a safe environment. Let's explore how our personal work effects Global healing.

Presenter: Sandra Malbon (Utah CC)