The Weekly Shot: Caminhos da Terra

31 July 2017

Caminhos da Terra is a URI Cooperation Circle in Goias, Brazil formed with the purpose to “Awaken consciences to a world of peace and unity among all people and nations of the Earth.” When the group received official approval to join the URI global network in November 2016, members of the Indigenous community gathered the members together to celebrate the occasion with a traditional blessing (pictured above).

Cooperation Circle members say that interfaith bridge-building is especially needed in their area because wars and conflicts are often justified by religion, which goes against the idea that humanity is all one. They want to show the world that violence is never actually about religion, but merely about power struggles. They want to change people’s consciousness in order to build peace in the world, and interfaith dialogue is a crucial part of that process.

Learn more about this Cooperation Circle here.