Habrá paz en el mundo cuando haya paz en el corazón de todas las personas
--Ciro Gabriel Avrug (1993-2022)
Gabriel, a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was an active member of the Misiones Unides Cooperation Circle in Argentina and a former URI Global Council Trustee for Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition to Gabriel’s influence within the URI global community, his enthusiastic presence and spiritual leadership was highly regarded in other organizations: Humanity’s Team, Evolutionary Leaders, Consciousness Beyond Borders, and the Council of Peace for The Republic of Argentina. Gabriel dedicated his life to helping people develop personal and spiritual grounding to go out and work for world transformation.
Ciro might have given up on life when, at age 14, a serious car accident left him quadriplegic. But instead, he found deeper meaning in this accident. “In facing my physical challenges, I have discovered that what is really important is invisible, that we are all one people, no matter what physical, religious or social diversity we carry,” he said.
Gabriel was a respected inspirational leader, author and self-described spiritual activist and social entrepreneur. He travelled all over the world to share his story and collaborate with others, including to Mayapur, India in 2008 for a URI Global Assembly and young leaders gathering. In 2011, as founder and coordinator of the Argentina branch of Humanity’s Team, he received the organization’s Spiritual Leadership Award, an award that has been given only once before, in 2005.
Gabriel’s personal story of perseverance, passion and service have been documented in a film, Por sobre las nubes más oscuras siempre brilla el sol. Todo es cuestión de volar alto (Above the darkest clouds, the sun is always shining. It’s a matter of flying high), by filmmaker Jorge Venturini.
Ciro’s passing is a deep loss for humanity. We take solace trusting that he is embraced by many like-minded souls in URI’s Celestial CC who are also flying high, offering guidance and shining their light.