Pachamama Day!

28 August 2023
Photo: members of the CC Yacu Yura celebrating the Pachamama Day

Pachamama Day is celebrated on August 1 to honor and venerate Mother Earth. It is a series of rituals and ceremonies that are carried out within the Aymara and Quechua culture of northern Argentina.
On this occasion, members of the CC Yacu Yura participated in this Pachamama ceremony held in the Sierra de Córdoba, Argentina with approximately 30 participants.
The Pachamama is asked for development wishes, those that take longer to materialize. If, on the contrary, you want your wish to come true faster, you should write it down and burn it in the fire.

Please scroll the arrow to see the slideshow.

Slideshow: Member of the Yacu Yura CC posing
Slideshow: members of the Yacu Yura CC posing