Yacu - Yura

Working so that indigenous community and society gather to work together for the good of the environment
Photo of Yacu - Yura
“Our purpose is to bridge-build between religions and indigenous spirituality gathering ancestral and current wisdom for the wellbeing of the whole society in our planet or Pacha Mama.”
Christianity, Indigenous, Taoism
Catholic, Evangelical
Number of Members
San Marcos Sierras,, Argentina
Joined URI Network

Yacu – Yura (Aguas Claras/Clear Waters) Cooperation Circle (CC) is a group of people from Catholic, Jewish, Taoist and Indigenous communities that have been working to improve the status of awareness regarding the protection of the Pachamama or Mother Earth in their communities. They bridge-build between religions and indigenous spirituality, gathering ancestral and current wisdom for the wellbeing of the planet. They envision that the indigenous community and society gather to work together for the good of the environment. CC members organize various workshops: film discussions with deep ecologist inclination, workshops about shamanism, visits to places that inhabited by their indigenous ancestors and now visited by people from around the world for its energetic properties and healing. The group is also bringing the message to children and young people of school age. It is important that they learn about the protection of Mother Nature, and the importance of integration of modern medicine and traditional medicine.

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