URI Stories of Impact

Our community is working tirelessly to bring peace and justice in all areas of the world regardless of religion. Read stories straight from the organizers.

URI remains alarmed by the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas & expresses grave concern for the civilians on the ground. 

Members of the Circle of Cooperation National Network of Agrarian Educators of Paraguay participated in the formation of a group together with members of the Armed Forces of Paraguay in Beekeeping.

Parents' mindset and engagement in the education of their children are paramount. Peace4Dalits Foundation CC has formed a parent's association to promote education among the Musahar community in Nepal. 

4668 Results

Peace Prayer Ceremony for Christian Couple Murdered by Fanatic Mob at Kot Radha Kishan Punjab - Pakistan

Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights organized a Peace Prayer and solidarity ceremony for the Christian Couple Mr. Shezhad Mashi and Shama Bibi with the collaboration of Religious and Civil Society of Sialkot at its office on 12th November 2014. The purpose of that Peace prayer & solidarity ceremony was to condemn the lynching young Christian couple by fanatic mob at Kot Radha Kishan

Walking A Path of Healing and Sacred Action

In these times, it’s easy to feel dispirited and hopeless when listening to the talk about the crises facing our Beloved Mother Earth and all of us who may struggle to thrive here.

The Weekly Shot: Victor & Kiran work with WASH

URI Executive Director Victor Kazanjian celebrated Arti with H.H. Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, URI Global Council Chair Kiran Bali, and URI UN representative Patrick Nickisch in Rishikesh, India. Here, they visit a cow care program with Project Hope, a disaster relief agency in India.  

Agriculture Training for Kitchen Gardening

Agriculture training for kitchen gardening is also one of component of “Economic empowerment of Women through vocational, life skills, cultivation for kitchen gardening and computer training project executing by Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights. The main purpose of this component is to improved savings and better nutrition through training for cultivation of kitchen gardens for households. During his visit to Rawalakot Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori participated in the agriculture and briefed the participants regarding the importance of kitchen gardening as well as theoretical training on agriculture.

Carrier Building Workshop for Female Youth by PCSW&HR

Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW&HR) is executing the project “Economic Empowerment of Women through vocational, life skills, cultivation for kitchen gardening and Computer training” at Rawalakot AJ&K with the collaboration of its counterpart OBOS_Caritas Seoul Korea. PCSW&HR organized the carrier building workshop for the learners of computer literacy centre at Khaigala. 

Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW&HR) condemns the Lynching of Christian couple by mob in Kot Radha Kishan Punjab - Pakistan and demands that responsible of this shameful incident must be brought to justice.

As an enraged mob on November 4, 2014 beat the Christian couple to death on minor dispute and then burnt their bodies in the brick kiln where they worked at Kot Radha Kishan area of Punjab Province - Pakistan. To condemn this inhuman and shameful act of lynching of a Christian couple by a mob Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights convened its executive committee meeting. Mr. Muhammad Ijaz Noori Chairman Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights chaired the executive committee meeting. Prominent religious leaders Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Noori Divisional Khateeb Gujranwala Division, Chairman Ulama Mashaiqe Council Dr. Mufti Najeeb Ahmed Hashmi especially participated in the executive committee meeting of PCSW&HR. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Qadri, Ch. Muhammad Ijaz, Mansoor Ahmed and others also addressed during the executive committee meeting.