Bharathi Integrated Rural Development Society - BIRDS Interfaith Group

BIRDS vision is "a world where all its inhabitants live in complete harmony with each other to maintain and benefit from balanced eco-systems."
to create platform for people from all walks of life so that they are able to take necessary action for ensuring ecological stability, safeguarding human rights, eradicating poverty, ensuring minimum standard of living, and bringing in social justice.
Number of Members
South India
Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, India
Joined URI Network

Bharathi Integrated Rural Development Society - BIRDS came into existence in the year 1991, with the initiative of its Executive Director who has been working with poorest of the poor, since 1985.
BIRDS aims to improve the standard of living of people in the area through providing credit facilities.
As member of Environmental Liaison Center International (ELCI).
BIRDS has the mandate to work on environmental issues (one of which is groundwater depletion in arid and semi-arid areas) through global networking and sharing of experience around the globe.
Bilateral assistance program, referred to as APWELL Project, BIRDS has provided community bore well irrigation to small and marginal farmers, wherever feasible, to bring back the fallows under irrigation and food crop production. With this both the land owners and landless benefited and migration is minimized.
The main motto of the organization is to see the transformation of the lives of the people who are suffering with issues of hunger, poverty, migration and sickness with "transformation of life through Participation"


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