Euro-Asia CC

Sharing the richness of Siberian culture with the rest of the world
"Our purpose is to encourage people in the region to unite in the name of the common good and to promote interfaith cooperation between people of all races, cultures, social status. We also wish to share our Siberian heritage and in turn, learn about other nations."
Cultural, Earth Based, Indigenous, Spirituality
Altai Syok Teleut, Altai Syok Todosh, Altai Syok Tubalar, Altai White Shaman, Russian Kazaks, Russian Vedas, Theosophical, Zabaikalskiy Kazak
Number of Members
Novosibirsk-117, Russian Federation
Joined URI Network

Euro-Asia Cooperation Circle (CC) is located in Novosibirsk, Russia. This CC predominantly focuses on organizing events and symposiums around health and cultural traditions. Their events bring together Catholics, Baptists, Altai, and various Siberian traditions and actively aim to build bridges between different religions and traditions in this area. Euro-Asia is making a proactive effort to share the richness of Siberian cultures and traditions with the rest of the world. They are building strong bridges within their community, and on larger scale, between Europe and Asia.


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URI Stories of Impact

Tubalar celebrations

Altaian ethnic groups have gone through, what can be called “ clinic death” in the XXth century, nowadays it is the time of “recovering” which is not an easy process. “Progress of humanity can not be led by incidents, the Creator have no “small deeds or small people”, for everything in the life serves to the Big”-says the Eastern Wisdom. In the course of Altaian history the biggest syoks(tribes) have become more vivid, while some small of them have almost been erased out of the people’s memory towards the end of the XXth century, so we see a great spiritual potential for Tubalars in the words of the Eastern Wisdom. The time of the revival of Tubalar consciousness, has come; they should become recognized as a respected, knowledgeable syok within sacred Altai and within a big World Nation of People.