Green Schools

Reducing the impact of climate change in the region.
Creating a safe Green School environment and rationalizing water consumption.
Number of Members
Madaba, Jordan
Joined URI Network

Madaba is a city of interfaith were Muslims (Bedouin and Urban) and Christians coexist in harmony, however, the level of cooperation in voluntary sector and social work is still modest. Members of Green School enhance the cooperation among the followers of different faiths to boost the impact of their social work.
Their involvement started in 2013 when members visited a school in a remote area to give a free training course to school students. They noticed that the school was in bad condition; it did not have clean water (dirty and old water containers) and physical environment was not adequate for learning. So, the team decided to collect donation to rehabilitate the school. Since then, they have been committed to rehabilitating schools in remote areas.


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