Indian Peace Circle

We are engaged in propagating world peace by preaching the one-world theory.
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Our purpose is to promote interfaith cooperation in the protection of our common environment and preservation of our ecosystem for the succeeding generation.
Hinduism, Christianity, Islam
Number of Members
East India
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Joined URI Network

Indian Peace Circle is a branch of “World Association of World Federalists” (WAWF), a very old organization that was honored by the first prime minister of India. Indian Peace Circle is formed by many reputed educators and social reformists who expand the work and promote universal brotherhood. Members believe that interfaith cooperation can transform the society by listening, learning, and discerning messages from the grassroots. Members believe that developing cooperative efforts will lead to a sustainable, peaceful society. This is in contrast to the present scenario where fighting over different religious perspectives is one of the root causes of some of the threats and conflicts we experience in community today, such as poverty, consumptive lifestyles, and unjust distribution of land.

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