United Inter Community Cooperation Circle Matale Sri Lanka

Contributing to a calm educated skillfull society
We adhere to the purpose of the United Religions Initiative; that is, to promote enduring daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the earth and all living beings.
Buddhism, Cultural, Hinduism, Islam
Number of Members
Sri Lanka
Matale, Central, Sri Lanka
Joined URI Network

United Inter Community is an associate group of the Sri Lankan Sarvodaya Movement in Matale District. Members are from Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities. These religious communities used to live peacefully together, but after the recent blasts in the country, the different groups started to divide, creating religious conflicts and attempting acts against coexistence. Members realize the importance of interaction between different religious groups and they are working to build strong bonds between religions in the area to prevent religiously-motivated violence. They are planning to provide sports goods and conduct tournaments without religious discrimination, motivate people to cultivate peace plants in their area, organizing conferences for interfaith speeches and preparing future leaders at the national and international levels, as well as translating good videos from YouTube inspiring the youth towards best practices.

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